
發表:2006-12-12 00:19
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正文:「寄託家園」論壇的一張帖子( 原文出處http://bbs.gter.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=565324&extra=page%3D1&page=1)引來熱議,原文如下:

「 更新啦 !美國教授回信 , 第一次收到震撼郵件 ,我該怎麼辦? 」

「我給 Vanderbilt University的一個教授寫信,告訴他我的基本背景和興趣,想申請他們學校的研究生,問他有多大可能。他也很認真,回信問我什麼時候畢業拿什麼學位,將來打算做什麼工作。我又回信比較詳細的回答這些問題。今早收到他的回信,他先向我介紹了幾種途徑可以達到我的職業目標。接下來他又寫了很長一段,原文如下:

Let me provide some basic results. It is difficult for Chinese students to get into US universities simply because of the level of corruption in China. We find that grades are not reliable - evidently one can buy grades. I have a friend who left Nanjing University because he found that his fellow professors were selling grades. You also cannot trust test scores - evidently you can have somebody else take a test for you. This means that at many places, including Vanderbilt, we only admit Chinese students when a faculty member whom we know and trust will recommend the student. My best advice is for you to find a faculty member who knows you and who knows somebody in the US. Use that to get into a US institution. If not in medical physics, then in biophysics which is much easier to do. Once in the US, you can get a masters degree and then transfer to another US university (like Vanderbilt) for a PhD, this could be in () or (). If you get a PhD in () and do really well, you can then go for an internship/retraining program to do (). 」


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