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    Chinese Cultural Revolution Time, I was 5, 6 years old little child with a serious heart condition illness.  With my Grandaunt held my right hand, saw how those people killing each other like animals, back home asked my Grandaunt--Every each one of those "people" are God's creatures, but they kill each other like animals, why? And, Confucius value human life very highly, but they kill each other like there's no tomorrow, for what?! Grandaunt said: they all are Godless pathetic beings, stay far, far away from those murders, and, don't ever try to understand any evil for only evil knows evil.

    Later asked the Communist old ladies-who were responsible for leading us with our daily Mao-bible studies and sing our daily Long, Long Life Mao ZeDong songs, “why can’t you stop those unnecessary death?!”  “Whomever is Anti-Communist, Anti-Chairman Mao, Anti-Socialism, or hate New China and its people..., are all deserve to die!  You’ll learn, we’ll teach you.”  

    You know, those C
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