
  • 1樓
    sure, just don't forget the last one--菊! Without 菊, there is no 岁寒三君子. The beauty of the "四君子"--松、竹、梅 and 菊--is their "不惧风雪的傲然风骨 and 崇高气节, and it is exactly the fundamental moral and basic culture spirit of Confucianism.

    Look, as a Eastern and Western educated cultural scholar like me, I have no patient for any stupid, brain-washed, and/or vulgar people. In order to protect the public from being misled by any swindler or fraud for money and soul, I have my point of views cross out sharply and directly without waste my time on arguing with fools or teaching illiterates. Although I respect my one of the world's most valuable culture highly, I'm not interested in any Chinese person personally. As a Humanist, I love to see Chinese people have their very basic human rights in this civilized world, but I am not interested in being patient on any stupid fools. Again, I have no time, no patience, and no interest in any stupid fools, especially when those deep shits slander against me with their very own shit.

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