
  • 1樓
    1197489007000 5
  • 2樓
    要学习日本人的严谨认真,学习美国人的平等自由尊重人权的精神。 一个等级制度森严,贪污腐败毫无诚信的国家永远落后。
    1197494606000 5
  • 3樓
    1197509848000 5
  • 4樓
    japan is the supreme human being, chinese is dunk and dirk
    1197603767000 5
  • 5樓
    In my opinion, that is one of many ways to loo at and the Japanese people should be allowed to do whatever they feel like to do, as long as it does not harm others.

    The preciseness has been a key to Japanese successes. That is just one of many talents needed for prosperity. However, just only the preciseness will not make you any rich (in many senses). You need other various types of talents for favorable achievements, and we need to learn each other to enrich each other.

    FYI, Chinese foreign ministry often emphasizes on cultural diversity. This is one of tools which allows you to counterbalance between the West and the Chinese values. If the Chinese general public does not tolerate the diversity, then the strategy will be less effective. If you guys demonstrate the cultural diversity by remaining open-minded, understanding, wise, and respectable as you have been for thousands of years in the past, you will gain more respects not only from your African and Latin American counterparts, but also from the West, thus you will be way much more better off in terms of foreign affairs.
    1197708746000 5