
  • 1樓
    那时那种出身贫贱,山沟野鸡,宋祖英般的性奴!!! 谁在乎多大的丑猪爆发户多有钱,却绝不能不在乎他有没有学识风度,教养层次,of course, good-looking is a must as well. Otherwise, rather to be a nun. My ex-husband Marc become a piece of fat and ugly shit right after I arrived America; where is the non-fat handsom gentleman who came to Shanghai married me? He thought he's married to me, so he can eat all he want to be a pigshit. No! 我都懒得看他一眼,正好可以埋头苦读英语书。十年后,他终于committed adultery--猪配猪,是上上大好之事。 Now, they are officially married, great! Jenny-the most loose woman I've ever seen-did everything, including food-poison me to kill me, try to make me understand, the Cain family is billionaire family, so I should go back to the Cain family. So I told Jenny loose cheap rich woman, "hi, if you are too ugly to prostitute yourself, then pimp you teenage daughter,
    Ann, the ice-skating little queen."

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