
  • 1樓
    how to say...when i was a small kid (in late 19703) many chickens or pigs died at the same time across the whole village...so my understanding is that many diseas similar to H1n1 flu may have already happened in china and other places long time ago..
    possibly because of technical issues or other factors..such cases were never reported
    1260236281000 3
  • 2樓
    这还用问吗? 给美国抹黑, 往自己脸上贴金是中共一惯做法, 傻子才信它的鬼话!
    1260249030000 3
  • 3樓
    中国四川地震, 上万腐尸才是猪流感的源头! 中共嫁祸于墨西哥罢了.
    1260249238000 3